Fiyin Gambo
1 min readDec 20, 2020

It’s 6 years after..

I founded two companies: Cliq studios — born out of a passion to rewrite the African narrative via film.

Redot Agency in 2018 to re-invent advertising through beautiful storytelling based on key insights via deep research. In 2 years we have shifted towards higher echelon brands and have executed million naira projects.

What’s Next? is WotsNext.

I have always been fascinated with technology and silicon valley since sophmore year in college. Growing on a healthy diet of “Steve Jobs, the social network, silicon valley et al” I have always fantasized on the idea of creating an actual product or service that solves a billion person prolem.

My first stint was a cliq app I contracted Abraham to develop for me in college. It was meant to be a bridge between photographers and people who loved taking pictures in Covenant university after service. To help them contact photographers for booking and create a platform photographers could dump their pictures. The beta version morphed into a social media app which had a lot of potential but never launched because the programmer changed schools.

An lightning idea struck me this year on the 11th of October, 2020 that could solve the problem with content overload. I invited a friend Toni Akinmolayan and shared this beautiful idea which is currently developed. I can wait to see what this would look like soon.

Fiyin Gambo

I tell great stories. I create stuff that solve problems